Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s naval battle – Strike Ship to Half


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s naval battle content is very similar to Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag in its core gameplay. But the development team has dramatically adjusted the complexity of the system, which will be used to enhance naval warfare in open waters. According to Phillips, the design team knows that the naval battles of this era and the pirates of the 17th century are definitely different, so they will create naval battles in different ways.

According to the introduction, the new naval warfare system no longer relies on purchasing special kinds of ammunition to enhance the damage. But instead a mechanism to upgrade based on the increase in melee damage caused by the player’s controlled vessel to the enemy ship. The more damage a player can do to another ship, the more powerful the attack can be unlocked. For example, after unlocking, the player can upgrade the ship at the craftsman, and then you can use the long-range rocket, near The fire spear attacked. Repeated attacks on a certain part of the enemy ship in combat can cause more damage, causing the ship to create a weak point, and at this time you can also use your most powerful weapon to attack it – strike it by angle.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will be released on October 5 this year, landing on the PC/PS4/Xbox One platform. Let’s look forward to it.


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