Life is Strange 2 – What’s the Strange Super Power in It?


Life is Strange 2 developed by Dontnod recently released a game preview at the Cologne exhibition.

The new protagonists in the game, Sean and Daniel Diaz, who had an accident in Seattle, Washington, seem to have accidentally killed a policeman (here the video of the previous “police car being overturned”). Wanted to escape to Mexico’s hometown. But the younger brother didn’t seem to know what was going on, and his brother didn’t know how to tell him the truth about “a policeman is dead and they are fleeing.” Where should the two brothers go?

In the early generations of the series, the protagonist Max had the ability to reverse time. And Life is Strange 2 will also have super powers, but the specific ability is unknown.

“There is definitely a supernatural element in Life is Strange 2. Like the previous game, super power or supernatural factors will be directly related to the character’s story and core. So for us, it is not to make it cool but make it strange,” said Life is Strange 2 screenwriter Jean-Luc Cano.

When asked if there is any game mechanism in the game that allows the player to experience and control himself, he said, “You will see, but what I can tell you is that the original Max didn’t want to grow up. So her backtracking time and ability to change choices are directly linked to her. In the 2nd generation, we keep this in mind and change a little. The game is about education and brotherhood, so super power will be with narrative contact……”

From the previous trailer, we saw Life is Strange 2 telling the story of Sean and Daniel Diaz encountering the police after breaking the law, and this is only part of the game. In the latest demo video, I saw the two encounters. The reason for this situation. In the blink of an eye, this place has transformed from a calm everyday suburb into a war-torn world, and has seen a series of reactions from the Diaz brothers in this situation.

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