Development costs for This War of Mine covered in two days

This War of Mine presents a different vision of war than many gamers may be used to, trading QTEs and pew-pew ‘splosions for somber reflection and grim analysis of war’s collateral damage. And yet, despite its dreary, depressing atmosphere, developer 11 Bit Studios is likely smiling wide at the moment,...

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RTS Grey Goo sends units to January 23 Steam release date

Petroglyph Games’ combat-focused real-time strategy, Grey Goo, will deploy units for battle on Steam on January 23, 2015. Community Manager Mathew “Berek” Anderson shared the release date on the official Grey Goo forums, explaining that the team’s alpha testing supplied enough information to allow them to create a full development...

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The answer to Star Citizen’s $64M question: pets

As Star Citizen‘s number of crowdfunded dollars continues to climb, developer Chris Roberts and his team at Cloud Imperium Games continue to add new stretch goals to the game’s development. This week, Roberts thanked his backers for pushing the game to $63 million raised, and revealed that if funds reach...

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Team up with friends in Loadout to take down the Kroad

Loadout has hosted plenty of shootouts between cartoonish, human-guided opponents, but developer Edge of Reality is planning on giving players a chance to work together against a greater evil: aliens. As detailed on the PlayStation Blog, Loadout‘s cooperative campaign mode will pit sharpshooters against the Kroad, a blue-skinned invading race...

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Square Enix augments store with Cyber Monday sales

You may have survived Black Friday, but don’t get cocky – America loves to shop, and a slew of online deals is about to invade the interwebs thanks to Cyber Monday. One such deal comes to us courtesy of Square Enix, which is cutting prices of items sold via its...

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