How guerrilla warfare works in Homefront: The Revolution


Not too long after Crytek UK began working on a sequel to Homefront, the developer started to get worried. Studio closures at THQ, rumors of the publisher’s financial strain and whispers of the entire organization’s dissolution overtook any news surrounding the company and its projects, including a follow-up to the commercially viable but critically lukewarm shooter by Kaos Studios. By the end of January 2013, THQ was dead, its properties scattered throughout the industry. But Crytek’s management team belayed its developer’s fears.

Crytek emerged from the fire sale that ensued after THQ’s demise half-a-million dollars lighter in the wallet, but owners of the Homefront franchise.

Now, alongside co-publishing partner Deep Silver, Crytek finally feels at ease and sees the opportunity to create the Homefront game it always wanted to make.

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