Jet Set Radio and Mirror’s Edge had a baby and named it Hover


Hover: Revolt of Gamers is inspired by Jet Set Radio‘s “crazy and fun” atmosphere, parkour aspects of Mirror’s Edge and the sci-fi vibe of Star Wars – so it’s no wonder it reached its crowdfunding goal weeks before the deadline. Hover has raised more than $60,000 of a $38,000 goal, with 23 days to go.

It’s an open-world, futuristic-city freerunner that makes you the leader of a group of Gamers rebelling against the anti-video game laws controlling the city. You’re tasked with freeing incarcerated allies, infiltrating government control centers, recovering confiscated gaming consoles and ultimately dethroning the mayor. Hover has nonlinear missions and multiplayer components, and it’s in development for PC, Mac, Linux, PS4 and Xbox One, with support for Oculus Rift.

Hover comes from three developers at Midgar Studio: Marine Baron, Pierre Raffali and Charles Vesic.

“Our goal is to develop innovative games with a gameplay that pushes back the limits of the genre, resting on creative artistic directions,” Midgar’s Kickstarter bio reads. “It’s out of question for our studio to restrict itself to a specific register. Our goal is to revisit the entire genre, dusting off some, hijacking others and creating totally new, still-unseen concepts.”

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