Play all of the ‘Connected World’ Ludum Dare 30 games


But be warned: There are a lot of entries to play.

Ludum Dare 30 is in the bag, and so are a bunch of cool new games and prototypes from developers worldwide. Ludum Dare 30 includes the 48-hour Compo and the 72-hour Jam, both with the theme “Connected Worlds.” This all went down over the weekend, from August 22 – 25.

With a theme like that, a lot of entries involve space, planets, shadow play, puzzles and death, oddly enough. A few (of the many) eye-catching Jam and Compo entries so far include Line Crossing, Star LORD, Collect Worlds,Starpiercer, Racer Death Derby, Ice Box, Nature Trial, Zanlings Match, Present & Future, Godshunter, Shrodinghost, Dominions’n’dominoes, Cablage and The Salt Pleeease.

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