VR puzzler Darknet teaches players technomancy


E McNeill’s Darknet was the winner in the open call category of the 2013 Oculus Indiecade VR Jam. It’s a strategy-puzzle game designed for Oculus Rift where players explore a virtual reality computer network and use viruses, worms, exploits and other hacker tools to capture sensitive data from what may or may not be a shady megacorporation. It’s practically the definition of cyberpunk, sharing much in common with one of the genre’s defining novels, Neuromancer.

However, McNeill told Joystiq at PAX Prime that he doesn’t particularly like Neuromancer, nor many other cyberpunk tales. “I like the idea of cyberpunk,” McNeill said, expressing his feeling that many of the genre’s stories – especially those featuring hacking – tend to feel empty and without substance. McNeill proposed The Matrix as an example:

“In The Matrix, [the character Cypher] says, ‘All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead.’ But the falling symbols don’t mean anything. They’re just backwards kana letters.” McNeill said that Darknet is a game aimed at maintaining the sense of mystery that The Matrix‘s iconic green rain of characters creates, but simultaneously providing an experience where what the player sees and does “actually means something.”

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